Packaging Producers Ltd
A leader in packaging recycling
Established in 2021, Finnish Packaging Producers Ltd is Finland’s largest producer responsibility organisation. We provide services for all types of packaging recycling to our client companies, and also help them fulfil their producer responsibility obligations. FPP was entered into the Producer Responsibility Register on 29.9.2022. Since then, we’ve continued the activities of the previous producer organisations.
We work with waste management operators and authorities to ensure that packaging recycling targets are met and recycling statistics are reliable and transparent.
Mission and vision
We manage the producer responsibility obligations and organise packaging recycling for companies in a cost-effective, goal-oriented and sustainable way. We support our client companies in their sustainability targets.
Our objectives
- keep the packaging recycling rate at or above the level required by legislation
- strengthen Finland’s position as a model country for packaging recycling
- promote the efficient and sustainable development of the packaging recycling market.
We are the leading and the most progressive packaging circular economy operator in Finland, the most expert supervisor of producers’ interests and the most desired and trustworthy partner.
Board of Directors
Kari Luoto, Chair
Samu Hörkkä
Satumaija Lévon
Minna Liuksiala
Tiina Pursula
Piia Soininen-Tengvall
Alko Oy
Arla Oy
Corex Finland Oy
Earthpack Oy
Elintarviketeollisuusliitto ry
Emballator Metalpak Oy
Encore ympäristöpalvelut Oy
Finn-Korkki Oy
Huhtamaki Foodservice Finland Oy
Lakan Betoni Oy
Onni Forsell Oy
Oy Karl Fazer Ab
Paketo Oy
Paroc Oy Ab
Puusepänteollisuus ry
Päivittäistavarakauppa ry
Ravintoraisio Oy
Saint-Gobain Finland Oy
Sonoco-Alcore Oy
Stora Enso Oyj
Suomen Aerosoliyhdistys ry – Finlands Aerosolförening rf
Tetra Pak Oy
Valio Oy
Väriteollisuusyhdistys – Färgindustriföreningen r.y.
Wienerberger Oy Ab